9 research outputs found

    Optimalisasi Penegakan Diagnosis Keperawatan Sesuai Standar Asuhan Keperawatan di Rumah Sakit X

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    This study aims to analyze the enforcement of nursing diagnoses according to the Nursing Care Standards of X Hospital Jakarta. The research method uses a case study approach with interviews, document review and observation, and performs problem analysis using fishbone analysis. The results showed that the enforcement of nursing diagnoses in accordance with the Standards of Nursing Care was not optimal, so that it had an impact on the quality of care and its documentation. Nursing diagnoses that are in accordance with Nursing Care Standards are 48.6%. Lack of supervision from managers, assessments using personal assumptions and the standard of writing diagnoses in the local Hospital Information System (SIRS) has not been facilitated. Through strengthening the directing function with SAK media innovation, there was an increase in writing nursing diagnoses according to SAK to 62.3%. In conclusion, optimizing the enforcement of nursing diagnoses in accordance with Nursing Care Standards can be implemented with SAK media innovations (Softfiles on the Google Form Platform and flipcharts) which are given to implementing nurses at X Hospital.   Keywords: Diagnosis, Nursing Documentation, Quality, Nursing Care Standard

    Enhancement of DNA microarray images using mathematical morphological image processing

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    DNA microarray images contain spots that represent the gene expression of normal and cancer samples. As there are numerous spots on DNA microarray images, image processing can help in enhancing an image and assisting analysis. The mathematical morphology is proposed to enhance the microarray image and analyse noise removal on the image. This follows an experiment in which the erosion, dilation, opening, closing, white top-hat (WTH) and black top-hat (BTH) operations were applied on a DNA microarray image and its results analysed. Noise was completely removed by the erosion operation and the images were enhanced

    Optimalisasi Pelaksanaan Preceptorship Melalui Perubahan Berencana Kurt Lewin

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    This study aims to identify problems and find solutions for new nurses through the preceptorship program. The method used is a case report using step 2 of planning changes from Kurt Lewin. The results obtained based on gender are more women, 94.6%. Based on the age of 39.3% of nurses aged> 40 years. Based on the highest level of education is a diploma in nursing, 64.7%. Based on the competency level, the most PK I is 31.4%, and the position is 80.4%. The most are PPJA. In conclusion, the implementation of preceptorship has not been running yet, so there is a need for commitment in the performance of preceptorship, starting with proper planning in making guidelines, guidelines, and SOPs for the implementation of preceptorship so that it will make it easier for the preceptors who will guide them in carrying out their roles and responsibilities. Keywords: Preceptee, Preceptor, Preceptorshi

    Optimalisasi Supervisi Berjenjang Kelengkapan Dokumentasi Keperawatan

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    This research aims to identify the optimization of the implementation of tiered supervision for the completeness of nursing documentation in inpatient rooms. The method used is a case study approach with interviews, document review, observation, and problem analysis using fishbone analysis. The research results show that all nursing managers can optimize the implementation of tiered supervision for the completeness of nursing documentation. Nursing managers can carry out routine maintenance of staff under them regarding the suitability of the diagnoses raised with subjective and objective data collected from the results of assessments carried out by nurses, proven by trials of implementing tiered supervision in three inpatient rooms with observational evaluations, and data obtained that there is an increase in the percentage of conformity of diagnoses. First nursing with subjective and objective data from 43.4% to 82.6%, and second diagnosis from 52.1% to 95.65%. The room is in the refreezing change stage where, after implementation or trial, the Nursing Services Department and the head of the room, along with the PPJA and PA, are trying to maintain its continuity and become an organizational culture in the hospital. The conclusion of the activities carried out during the socialization and mentoring process has provided changes in behavior and mindset for nurses in implementing tiered supervision for completeness of nursing documentation on a routine and scheduled schedule.   Keywords: Nursing Documentation, Nurse Manager, Tiered Supervisio

    Optimalisasi Komunikasi Metode Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendation (SBAR) dalam Serah Terima Perawat

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      This study aims to optimize the communication of the SBAR method in nurse handover that encourages a culture of patient safety and effective communication. The method used is a pilot study starting from the process of identification, analysis, prioritization of problems, plan of action, implementation, evaluation, and follow-up plan. The results showed that the application of guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures (SPO) with socialization and handover assistance with SBAR method communication had a good effect, as evidenced by the trial application of the guidelines obtained data there was an increase in the percentage of vital sign mentions of 100%, the results of the latest nursing assessment increased to 40%, the delivery of nursing diagnoses and recommendations for further nursing actions by 60%. The hospital organization is in a stage of movement change where after implementation, the Nursing Services Department and the head of the room try to maintain its sustainability and make the organizational culture in the hospital. In conclusion, the activities that have been carried out during the socialization and mentoring process provide a change in behavior and a good mindset for nurses in implementing and cultivating the implementation of handover with SBAR communication in order to realize quality nursing services. Keywords: Communication, SBAR Method, Handove

    Education System In Pesantren Muhammad Saman

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    The progress of a nation is seen from the progress of its education system. If education is a developed country, then the human quality in it is advanced. Therefore education is the most important element in building a nation so that it can be interpreted that the quality of education is the determinant of the quality of a nation. One of the fundamental problems in the world of education is related to the morality of the younger generation. In order to improve the morality of the younger generation who are increasingly concerned today, the Pesantren Education Institute is one of the main choices for parents to educate children to prioritize religious values as the foundation of their children's education. Pesantren is considered as a typical Indonesian Educational Institution that has long existed Indonesia which is believed not only to print a generation of intelligent students but also noble character. With the system applied differently from other public schools, namely the boarding system. The number of students with various social and family economic backgrounds makes the condition of pesantren heterogeneous. Of course, the problems are also diverse, because there is a stereotype in pesantren students who are certainly noble. However, in fact the motives of parents to put children into pesantren not all start from good santri morality, but many students also have problems before and it is expected that pesantren can change the morality of the student

    Acid-modified adsorbents from sustainable green-based materials for crude oil removal

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    This research was carried out to study the sorption capacity of crude oil using acidmodified green-based adsorbents originated from kenaf core and coconut shell. The adsorbent modification was impregnated in the lauric acid, phosphoric acid, and citric acid solution via the conventional method known as wetness impregnation technique. A comparison study of oil sorption capacity between acid-modified kenaf core and acid-modified coconut shell were conducted to identify a better adsorbent for crude oil adsorption. Variable Pressure Scanning Electron Microscopy (VPSEM) equipped with Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX) were utilized to study the morphological characteristics and element compositions for both the unmodified and acid-modified adsorbents. Besides, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to address the presence, absence, and/or shrink of certain functional groups for both unmodified and acid-modified adsorbents. Based on these three acids used, lauric acid was the best acid modifier than phosphoric acid and citric acid that performed the highest oil adsorption capacity. The VPSEM images of acid-modified adsorbents determined the presence of new pores and thinner walls across the hollow fibres compared to the unmodified adsorbent. Besides, FTIR results proved the presence of new peaks on the green-based adsorbents that confirmed the successful of acid impregnation procedure. This study have proposed that acid-modified greenbased adsorbents has high potential to tackle the issues of crude oil spillage. The higher adsorption performance of kenaf core than coconut shell demonstrates that kenaf core can be a low-cost and competitive adsorbent in various applications and expertises

    Concept of al-amanah (trustworthiness) and al-mas'uliyyah (responsibility) for human's character from ethical Islamic perspective

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    Al-Amanah (trusts) and al-mas'uliyyah (responsibilities) refer to the ethical character of the human character that must be practiced in daily life, especially by every Muslim. Both of these noble qualities will help someone avoid something that can cause him to be regarded as a badly-touted individual. This article will discuss the concept of al-Amanah (trustworthiness) and al-mas'uliyyah (responsibility) according to the ethical Islamic perspective. This article analyzes the thoughts of several Islamic scholars such as al-Ghazali (505H) and several exegetes (mufassirin) in understanding the two terms through their works. Finally, this study concludes that the concept of al-amanah (trust) and al-mas'uliyyah (responsibility) is capable of creating the quality of human character among Muslim individuals according to the ethical Islamic perspective. © 2019, Allied Business Academies